We currently offer several (consistent) weekly runs:

  • Track Tuesdays at memorial south park starting at 630pm. A 60-90 minute, structure speed workout designed to make you speedy.

  • Feel Good Fridays at the Clubhouse, 7pm on Fridays. 5k/10k routes each week followed by hangouts, and donuts on occasion.

  • Happy Trails on Sundays at 8:30AM. Various locations, typically on the north shore. Coffee or brunch sometimes follows.

  • Sunday Long Runs at the Clubhouse, 8:30am on Sundays. Not always on, depends on schedule, races, etc.

The best way to stay up to date is on social media.

We have a Strava Club, Instagram and Facebook group (links in footer). Whenever possible we’ll link to routes/workouts directly, but some socials don’t let us post links, so we’ll let you know where to find details!