Track Tuesdays!

6:30PM warmup/drills, 6:45PM workout Start from South Memorial park Track, all abilities welcomed.

Track Tuesdays is a structured speed workout. Lasting 60-90mins it will work on a variety of traditional track workouts designed to make you speedier.

We’ll post in advance the weekly workout on social media (see our runs page).

We get a lot of interest in our tuesday workouts. Please check social media if you’re interested in coming out. We may have a cap on participants for any given week. We need to ensure our group size is a manageable number!

Click the track pace chart below to find your paces for the workout. If you are attending, putting your name down in a pace group helps us plan, so please do so.

Keep in mind track ettiquite. We warm up running in reverse on the outside of the track, then split into workout groups and run in bunches of maximum two lanes wide, and pass cleanly on the outside, moving back to the inside lines, and then carefully run off the inside when done.

(Feel free to ask anyone questions once you’re there!)